What really happens to a man after dead.
Everything that exist in the world has beginning, and everything in the world also has the maker or the creator; nothing has ever existed in this world without it's origin. So are we as humans, we are not exceptional, we also have origin, a creator.
One thing about being the created (human) is that you are the determinant of nothing about you, neither your looks, place of birth, gender nor your sustainability on earth, (the length of time you live on earth), all of those things were determined by the one who formed and made you which is God, he determined how long your bones and muscles can endure before it becomes weak and you eventually die. So God being the creator of human is also the one that defined the end of human race from the beginning, whether man were to still exists somewhere after dead, or cease to exist again after dead like animals. Therefore, like any other thing is formed and created by someone and has everything about it determined by the person (creator), so also were we by God.
Now one sad thing about we human is that in our foolishness, we tend to argue the fact that is stated by our creator concerning ourselves: how that we'll still exists after dead, how that there is only two places provided for us to be eternally after dead which is Heaven or Hell.
So it's not always wise for human to argue about what is written in the book of history, (The Bible), in which it's writings was even inspired and directed by God Himself, which has stated how our existence emanated, and how the end of man looks like.
So the Bible has clearly said that the soul that sinned shall die and go to hell which is burning with fire and brimstone, which it's torments is forever if he dies unrepented. And that the end of righteousness is eternal life with God in Heaven.(Rom. 6:23. Rev.20:11-15) So it's wise for man to wise up and face the reality concerning human, perhaps he would be able to escape all the pollutions of this world, rather than continue to take refuge in ignorance and self-deception, and end up in everlasting regrets.( Luke 21:36)
I therefore want you to know that there is an unending life after dead, and we have only two places to spend it eternally which is Heaven or Hell. Therefore confessing to God and repenting of our sins and live righteously is the way out.
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