
Showing posts with the label Reasons why smart girls sometimes stay long before getting married.

The reason smart ladies likely stay long before getting married.

There is always a case were some girls easily got premaritally impregnated, while the elderly ones are still there, without being impregnated. At  times you also see some girls being married, but some are not married yet irrespective of the fact that they are the eldest. So you may have been wondering about what could possibly be the cause of this. So here are 10 out of numerous reasons behind these: 1. Smart girls don't easily tolerate the indiscriminate lordship of men:  They are not willing to tolerate the insensibility of some men. 2. Smart girls are brave enough to do something with-which they take care of themselves:  Smart girls does not wait for men to be the ones taking responsibilities for them; therefore, are not vulnerable to the ends result which sometimes is premarital pregnancy 3. They  don't make themselves cheap before men:  They have high self-esteem; as such, there is high possibility for them to miss some potential suitors. 4. The...