The things that can cause a responsible youth to grow into an irresponsible adult.
There is always a situation where Many responsible youths grow up only to become an irresponsible adult. Your youthful age is a time that supposed not to be filled with pride, violence, crime, arrogance and vain glory; youthful time is the time one supposed to use to build his or herself into a responsible adult. A young man can misuse his youthful age only to become irresponsible in his adulthood.
Now here is how someone can live a life in his youthful time and become irresponsible in his or her adulthood: (these comes in many ways):
1. During your youthful time, you spend all your life, time and money in chasing and pleasing women.
2. During your youthful age, you live a life that is full of riots and crimes, instead of building a name or a reputation that would make you significant in the society, you use your precious youthful time to build a bad reputation that would end up segregating you from where responsible men are.
3. During your youthful time, you use the money you would have invited to gamble and end up killing the motivation, the inspiration and the perseverance that drives work because all your hope is in the get-rich-quick scheme that would end up making you a lazy man.
4. You use your youthful time to live a luxurious lifestyle, fake lifestyle that wants to have all trending stuff, a life of today and now.
5. You use your youthful time to blame your parents of not having done something for you, instead of looking for what to do.
6. You refuse to learn a work that you'll still be able to do even as an adult, because all you needed was quick money.
7. You keep bad friends and bad company, and they influence your lifestyle negatively, such that it becomes hard for you to change from such lifestyle.
8. During your youthful time, you give yourself in to excessive alcohol and hard drugs, such that you find it hard to stop using them in your adulthood, thereby becoming a drunkard.
Those are the things that can cause you to grow into an irresponsible adult.
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