Check out how to use Tom-tom, Lipton and Team-soda to treat Maleria.

Maleria is an inevitable disease no man can boast of being completely free from; at times it's most hard for those who are living in a place where they don't have access to herbs apart from drugs, so such persons do at times fine it hard to treat themselves if not with drugs.

So there is this easy way of treating maleria you probably may not have known, but if you had known, then congratulations.

It's a combination of three common items that is easily at our disposal, and are very cheap.

         Here are the three items:

1. Teem soda or soda water, (they are the same thing.)
2. Tom-tom, (that hot-like sweet.)
3. Lipton.
         Now this is how to use them:

Go to the nearest provision shop and buy teem water (also called soda water), buy two Tom-tom and buy one Lipton, then unwrap the Tom-tom and put it inside the bottle of the Teem soda along with the Lipton, then keep it to dissolve for like some hours or as long as the Tom-tom finishes dissolving, then you drink it; but be sure to drink it empty stamach, and that should be in the morning: you may prepare it at night and drink it early in the morning before breakfast.

That is an easy way to treat maleria natively, easily and cheap of cost.

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