
Oh day of rest and gladness

AUTHOR: C. WORDSWORTH COMPOSER: L. MASON FIRST LINE: O day of rest and gladness, oh day of joy and light, 

He'll walk with me all the way

AUTHOR: L. J. WILLIAMS COMPOSER: CHAS H. GABRIEL FIRST LINE: I know that my saviour will never forsake, 

Where he leads I'll follow

AUTHOR: W. A. O. COMPOSER: W. A. OGDEN. FIRST LINE: Sweet are the promises, kind is the word, 

It came upon the midnight clear

AUTHOR: EDMUND H. SEARS. COMPOSER: RICHARD S. WILLIS. FIRST LINE: It came upon the midnight clear, that glorious song of old, 

Scattering precious seed

AUTHOR: W. A. OGDEN COMPOSER: GEO. C. HUGG FIRST LINE: Scattering precious seed by the way-side, 

Only a sinner.

AUTHOR: JAMES M. GRAY COMPOSER: D. M. TOWNER FIRST LINE: Naught have I gotten but what I received, 

He is able to deliver thee

AUTHOR: W. A. O. COMPOSER: W. A. OGDEN FIRSR LINE: 'Tis the grandest theme thro' the ages rung,